..alone in this city, alone on this sea. The days were strewn about him, he was a drunkard of days. He had achieved nothing. He had his life--it was not worth much--not like a life that, though ended, had truly been something. If I had had courage, he thought, if I had had faith. We preserve ourselves as if that were important, and always at the expense of others. We hoard ourselves. We succeed if they fail, we are wise if they are foolish, and we go onward, clutching, until there is no one--we are left with no companion save God. In whom we do not believe. Who we know does not exist. . James Salter
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More Quotes By James Salter
  1. One is seduced and battered in turn. The result is presumably wisdom. Wisdom! We are clinging to life like lizards. Why is it so difficult to assemble those things that really matter in life and to dwell among them only? I am referring to certain...

  2. They lay silently. She was staring at something across the room. She was making him feel uncomfortable. 'It wouldn't work. It's the attraction of opposites, ' he said. We're not opposites.' I don't mean just you and me. Women fall in love when they get...

  3. Their life is mysterious, it is like a forest; from far off it seems a unity, it can be comprehended, described, but closer it begins to separate, to break into light and shadow, the density blinds one. Within there is no form, only prodigious detail...

  4. You must go further than I did, " Nedra said. "You know that."" Further?"" With your life. You must become free." She did not explain it; she could not. It was not a matter of living alone, though in her case this had been necessary....

  5. Women fall in love when they get to know you. Men are just the opposite. When they finally know you they're ready to leave

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